Marion Hammer
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Passionate. Courageous. Skillful. Persistent. Tough. A person whose word you can count on.” All are words used to describe Marion P. Hammer-a legendary pro-gun leader who was recently inducted (March 15, 2005) into the Florida Women’s Hall of Fame. She was the first woman president of the NRA in the 1990s, founder of Unified Sportsman of Florida (the NRA’s legislative affiliate), and champion of the 2005 Florida “Castle Doctrine” legislation signed into law by Governor Bush. The Castle Doctrine has stirred fears of returning to a “wild west” revival from its opponents, but its supporters emphasize that is has reinstated common sense by placing the rights of potential victims to protect themselves from violent acts by “any force, including deadly force.” The NRA has pledged to utilize it as model legislation in other states across the nation. On Thursday, July 28, “the Hammer” returns to Tiger Bay to discuss the Castle Doctrine, its likely state and national implications, and a personal view of true leadership among women. Come loaded (only with your questions) for “Hammer Time” at the next meeting of the Capital Tiger Bay Club.