Candidates Forum for Tallahassee Mayor
Thursday, January 9, 2003
Well, the political election season is finally over. All of the election bills (and political supporters) have been paid off. But wait! Like a Christmas credit card bill that comes due in March, our beloved City will be hosting its own $300,000 Special Election in February to select its new municipal leadership team. Chief among the races is the battle to become Tallahassee’s new leadership Mayor. Tallahassee’s first leadership Mayor, Scott Maddox, is stepping aside (we think) and the list of candidates intent on succeeding him continues to grow (six as of the program printing). Where do they stand on key issues such as the newly adopted County Charter and the funding priorities identified in Blueprint 2000? All of these questions and more will be answered by the Candidates for Tallahassee Mayor at the next meeting of the Capital Tiger Bay Club scheduled for Thursday, January 9, 2003 at 12:00 noon at the Silver Slipper!