Matt Conigliaro
Friday, April 29, 2005
Did we get it right? Put aside all of the human emotion, the political maneuvering and perceived motivations, and the constant media barrage concerning the Terry Schiavo case and ask whether the courts and their ultimate decisions got it right? Well, Tiger Bay could not let this national saga go without bringing a perspective not often considered in the nightly newscasts, did the courts and our politicians get it right? Enter Matt Conigliaro, a board-certified appellate attorney with Carlton Fields who for the last two years developed and operated a web log (or “blog”) href=”” target=_blank> focused largely on the Schiavo case as it wound its way through the Florida and federal court system. He has written extensively about the case (visit and link to Schiavo) and plans to clarify how the court system handled the many issues presented by this historical and controversial case, discuss how it mushroomed into a national story, and respond to your thoughtful (or no so thoughtful) questions. Please join the Capital Tiger Bay Club on Friday, April 29 at the Silver Slipper for this unique program focused on one of the most controversial legal and political battles in recent Florida history.