William H. Stafford
Friday, October 25, 2002
The right to privacy versus the security of the country. In no other time in history have the issues come to a head more than today. A secretive scene of this debate occurs within the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (a.k.a. Federal Spy Court). The court meets in secret to hear warrant requests for wiretaps and physical searches from the FBI and National Security Agency (NSA). The events from September 11 and pressure from the Attorney General’s Office and Justice Department have heightened the debate over the Constitutional right to privacy and the tools needed to combat terrorism within our borders. Come hear the perspective and insight of the Honorable William Stafford, one of 11 federal judges currently appointed to this secret spy court. Judge Stafford also serves the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida and is a longtime resident of Tallahasse.