Doug Marlette
Thursday, September 12, 2002
His editorial cartoons and his comic strip, Kudzu, are syndicated in hundreds of newspapers worldwide. He has won every major award for editorial cartooning including the 1988 Pulitzer Prize. The Southeast Bookseller’s Association honored his first novel, The Bridge, as the Best Book of the Year for Fiction 2002. His work has appeared on virtually every television news magazine and talk-show programs. Doug Marlette, the Tallahassee Democrat’s newly hired full-time editorial cartoonist, has also taken Tallahassee by storm as evidenced by the letters to the editor and phone calls generated by his cartoons lampooning Florida’s and Tallahassee’s political and public figures. He will be sharing some of his most humorous and provocative political cartoons and perspectives with the Capital Tiger Bay Club on Thursday, September 12 at the Silver Slipper. Can you imagine what new images he might “roll out” only two days after the Florida primaries? Please join us at the next meeting and help welcome Tallahassee’s newest telecommuting employee. He has already been advised that the honeymoon in Tallahassee is over.