Philip K. Howard
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Every few years, a book comes along that changes the way people think and motivates leaders to action. Philip K. Howard’s “The Death of Common Sense” – which dissected the failures of government and government regulation-was one such book. Howard’s ideas lit a fire under then Governor Lawton Chiles spurring a variety of policy changes designed to reduce bureaucracy and regulation. Apparently the ideas espoused in his new book, “The Lost Art of Drawing the Line: How Fairness Went Too Far,” has had a similar effect on Jeb Bush evidenced by Howard’s recent presentation to the current Executive and Legislative leadership in Florida. Howard’s “The Lost Art” argues that efforts to protect individual rights have ironically trampled our individual freedoms. Scuttlebutt has it that the title of the new book was developed after the most recent Presidential Election and was drafted by Secretary of State Harris. Mr. Howard has had a number of guest appearances regarding his books including CNN, the conglomerate of FOX talk shows, and the Leon County School Board’s Education Channel. Please join us on September 11th at the Silver Slipper for this very special program.