Please join us on Friday, June 17 for our next program with Tallahassee City Commission, Seat 3, candidates David Bellamy and Jeremy Matlow.
David Bellamy is a surgeon, a part-time police officer, a fifth-generation Tallahasseean and the son of a former city commissioner, the late Carol Bellamy. His campaign website is
Jeremy Matlow was first elected to the city commission in 2018, served as president of the Gaines Street Community Association, and is also the co-founder of Gaines Street Pies. His campaign website is
POLITICO-Florida journalist, Gary Fineout, will serve as moderator of this debate, exploring each candidate’s experience, platform, and vision of the City of Tallahassee.
This is one debate you won’t want to miss!
Guest fee for this program is $35. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience so we may provide an accurate headcount for food and beverage.
Please contact Debby Kent at or call 850.320.2019 if you have any questions about registration.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, June 17, 2022!